Adding new sinks development guide



Cygnus allows for Orion context data persistence in certain storages by means of Flume sinks. As long as the current collection of sinks could be limited for your purposes, you can add your own sinks regarding a persistence technology of your choice and become an official Cygnus contributor!

This document tries to guide you on the development of such alternative sinks, by giving you guidelines about how to write the sink code, but also how the different classes must be called, the accepted coding style, etc.


Before starting

Contributing to Cygnus

You can contribute to Cygnus (open sourced) as usual:

  1. Fork our Github Cygnus repository (you will need an account on Github).
  2. Create a new branch where to code your fix/addon.
  3. Submit a pull request to us!

We will not merge new code in the Cygnus repository coming from a different path.


Coding style

Please, add the fiware-cygnus/telefonica_checkstyle.xml to you IDE as check style configuration. This XML file contains all the coding style rules accepted by Telefónica.

We will not merge new code in the Cygnus repository if such coding style is not met.


New sink development

OrionSink class

OrionSink is the base class all the Cygnus sinks extend. This class governs the consumption of the Flume events put by OrionRestHandler in the sink channel, taking them from the channel and calls to the persistence abstract method which in final term is the unique method that must be implemented by the extending class. All the logic about starting and stopping the sink, beginning, committing and closing Flume transactions and many other features is already there, thus you will not have to deal with it.

You find this class at the following path:


OrionSink, on its side, extends AbstractSink from the Flume API; this class is the one providing all the necessary methods, as previously said. As can be seen, all of them are already implemented (start, stop, etc) or overridden (process). Only showing relevant parts in pseudo-code:

public abstract class OrionSink extends AbstractSink implements Configurable {

    Batch batch;

     * Constructor
    public OrionSink() {
    } // OrionSink

    public Status process() throws EventDeliveryException {
        Channel ch = getChannel();
        Transaction txn = ch.getTransaction();

        for (int i = 0; i < batchSize; i++) {
            Event event = ch.take();
            NotifyContextRequest notification = parseEventBody(event);
            accumulateInBatch(event.getHeaders(), notification);
        } // for

        return Status.READY;
    } // process

     * This is the method the classes extending this class must implement when dealing with a batch of events to be
     * persisted.
     * @param batch
     * @throws Exception
    abstract void persistBatch(Batch batch) throws Exception;

} // OrionSink

The process method is responsible for getting the channel, initiating a Flume transaction, taking as many events from the channel as necessary to build a Batch object and processing it by calling the persistBatch method. Such a persistBatch method is the only piece of code a developer must create according to the logic of his/her sink.

Please notice that the process method handles all the possible errors that may occur during a Flume transaction by catching exceptions, especially those thrown by the abstract persistBatch method. There exists a collection of Cygnus-related exceptions whose usage is mandatory located at:



Sink configuration

In addition to extending AbstractSink, OrionSink implements the Configure interface which allows for parameterizing the new sink from the general Cygnus configuration file.

Configuration parameters must follow this schema:

cygnusagent.sources = http-source
cygnusagent.sinks = <sink_name> <other_sink_names>
cygnusagent.channels = <sink_channel_name> <other_sink_channel_names>
cygnusagent.sinks.<sink_name>.<parameter_1_name> = <parameter_1_value>
cygnusagent.sinks.<sink_name>.<parameter_2_name> = <parameter_2_value>
cygnusagent.sinks.<sink_name>.<parameter_N_name> = <parameter_N_value>


Naming and placing the new sink

New sink classes must be called Orion<technology>Sink, being technology the name of the persistence backend. Examples are OrionHDFSSink, OrionCKANSink or OrionMySQLSink (by the way, these three exist already).

The path where the new sink is to be placed:



Backend convenience classes

Sometimes all the necessary logic to persist the notified context data cannot be coded in the persist abstract method. In this case, you may want to create a backend class or set of classes wrapping the detailed interactions with the final backend. These classes must be placed at:



Reporting issues and contact information

There are several channels suited for reporting issues and asking for doubts in general. Each one depends on the nature of the question:

NOTE: Please try to avoid personaly emailing the contributors unless they ask for it. In fact, if you send a private email you will probably receive an automatic response enforcing you to use or This is because using the mentioned methods will create a public database of knowledge that can be useful for future users; private email is just private and cannot be shared.
