Running Cygnus as a process

Note: If you installed Cygnus through the RPM, APACHE_FLUME_HOME is /usr/cygnus/. If not, it is a directory of your choice.

Cygnus implements its own startup script, cygnus-flume-ng which replaces the standard flume-ng one, which in the end runs a custom instead of a standard org.apache.flume.node.Application.

In foreground (with logging):

$ APACHE_FLUME_HOME/bin/cygnus-flume-ng agent --conf APACHE_FLUME_HOME/conf -f APACHE_FLUME_HOME/conf/agent_<id>.conf -n cygnusagent -Dflume.root.logger=INFO,console [-p <mgmt-if-port>] [-t <polling-interval>]

In background:

$ nohup APACHE_FLUME_HOME/bin/cygnus-flume-ng agent --conf APACHE_FLUME_HOME/conf -f APACHE_FLUME_HOME/conf/agent_<id>.conf -n cygnusagent -Dflume.root.logger=INFO,LOGFILE [-p <mgmt-if-port>] [-t <polling-interval>] &

The parameters used in these commands are:

  • agent. This is the type of application to be run by the cygnus-flume-ng script.
  • --conf. Points to the Apache Flume configuration folder.
  • -f (or --conf-file). This is the agent configuration (agent_<id>.conf) file. Please observe when running in this mode no cygnus_instance_<id>.conf file is required.
  • -n (or --name). The name of the Flume agent to be run.
  • -Dflume.root.logger. Changes the logging level and the logging appender for log4j.
  • -p (or --mgmt-if-port). Configures the listening port for the Management Interface. If not configured, the default value is used, 8081.
  • -t (or --polling-interval). Configures the polling interval (seconds) when the configuration is periodically reloaded. If not configured, the default value is used, 30.