

Functionality, or simply NGSIOrionSink is a sink designed to persist NGSI-like context data events within a Orion Context Broker. Usually, such a context data is notified by a Orion Context Broker instance, but could be any other system speaking the NGSI language.

Independently of the data generator, NGSI context data is always transformed into internal NGSIEvent objects at Cygnus sources. In the end, the information within these events must be mapped into specific Context Broker data structures.

Next sections will explain this in detail.


Mapping NGSI events to NGSIEvent objects

Notified NGSI events (containing context data) are transformed into NGSIEvent objects (for each context element a NGSIEvent is created; such an event is a mix of certain headers and a ContextElement object), independently of the NGSI data generator or the final backend where it is persisted.

This is done at the cygnus-ngsi Http listeners (in Flume jergon, sources) thanks to NGSIRestHandler. Once translated, the data (now, as NGSIEvent objects) is put into the internal channels for future consumption (see next section).




Assuming the following NGSIEvent is created from a notified NGSI context data (the code below is an object representation, not any real data format):



Administration guide


NGSIOrionSink is configured through the following parameters:

Parameter Mandatory Default value Comments
type yes N/A Must be
channel yes N/A
enable_encoding  no false true or false, true applies the new encoding, false applies the old encoding.
enable_grouping no false true or false. Check this link for more details.
enable_name_mappings no false true or false. Check this link for more details.
enable_lowercase no false true or false.
data_model no dm-by-entity dm-by-service-path or dm-by-entity. dm-by-service and <dm-by-attribute are not currently supported.
orion_host no localhost FQDN/IP address where the 'Context Broker' server runs.
orion_port no N/A You must to write port.
orion_ssl no false the connection of ontext broker is the default without ssl
orion_username no N/A You must to write username.
orion_password no N/A You must to write password.
keystone_host no localhost FQDN/IP address where the 'KeyStone' server runs.
keystone_port no N/A You must to write port.
keystone_ssl no false the connection of KeyStone is the default without ssl
orion_fiware no N/A You must to write fiware service.
orion_fiware_path N/A false You must to write fiware servicePath.
batch_size no 1 Number of events accumulated before persistence.
batch_timeout no 30 Number of seconds the batch will be building before it is persisted as it is.
batch_ttl no 10 Number of retries when a batch cannot be persisted. Use 0 for no retries, -1 for infinite retries. Please, consider an infinite TTL (even a very large one) may consume all the sink's channel capacity very quickly.
batch_retry_intervals no 5000 Comma-separated list of intervals (in miliseconds) at which the retries regarding not persisted batches will be done. First retry will be done as many miliseconds after as the first value, then the second retry will be done as many miliseconds after as second value, and so on. If the batch_ttl is greater than the number of intervals, the last interval is repeated.
backend.enable_cache no false true or false, true enables the creation of a Cache, false disables the creation of a Cache.

A configuration example could be:

cygnus-ngsi.sinks = orion-sink
cygnus-ngsi.channels = orion-channel
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.orion-sink.type = = orion-channel
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.orion-sink.enable_encoding = false
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.orion-sink.enable_grouping = false
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.orion-sink.enable_lowercase = false
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.orion-sink.enable_name_mappings = false
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.orion-sink.type = = orion-channel
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.orion-sink.enable_encoding = false
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.orion-sink.enable_grouping = false
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.orion-sink.enable_lowercase = false
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.orion-sink.enable_name_mappings = false
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.orion-sink.orion_host = XXXXXXXXX
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.orion-sink.orion_port = XXXXXXXXXX
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.orion-sink.orion_ssl = false
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.orion-sink.orion_username = XXXXXXXXXX
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.orion-sink.orion_password = XXXXXXXXXX
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.orion-sink.keystone_host = XXXXXXXXXX
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.orion-sink.keystone_port = XXXXXXXXXX
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.orion-sink.keystone_ssl = false
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.orion-sink.orion_fiware = XXXXXXXXXX
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.orion-sink.orion_fiware_path = XXXXXXXXXX
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.orion-sink.batch_size = 100
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.orion-sink.batch_timeout = 30
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.orion-sink.batch_ttl = 10
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.orion-sink.batch_retry_intervals = 5000
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.orion.backend.enable_cache = false


Programmers guide

NGSIOrionSink class

As any other NGSI-like sink, NGSIOrionSink extends the base NGSISink. The methods that are extended are:

void persistBatch(NGSIBatch batch) throws Exception;

A NGSIBatch contains a set of NGSIEvent objects, which are the result of parsing the notified context data events. Data within the batch is classified by destination, and in the end, a destination specifies other Context Borker where the data is going to be persisted. Thus, each destination is iterated in order to compose a per-destination data string to be persisted thanks to any OrionBackend implementation.

public void start();

An implementation of OrionBackend is created. This must be done at the start() method and not in the constructor since the invoking sequence is NGSIOrionSink() (contructor), configure() and start().

public void configure(Context);

A complete configuration as the described above is read from the given Context instance.


Authentication and authorization

Current implementation of NGSIOrionSink relies on the keystone, username and password credentials created at the keyStone endpoint.
