Orion backend

OrionBackend interface

This class enumerates the methods any Orion backend implementation must expose. In this case, the following ones:

JsonResponse subscribeContextV2(String cygnusSubscription, String token) throws Exception;

Subscribes to Orion given a Json Cygnus subscription (Orion subscription + Orion endpoint) and a token for authentication purposes.

JsonResponse deleteSubscriptionV2(String subscriptionId, String token) throws Exception;

Deletes a subscription to Orion given its ID and a token for authentication purposes.

JsonResponse getSubscriptionsByIdV2(String token, String subscriptionId) throws Exception;

Gets a subscription to Orion given its ID and a token for authentication purposes.

void updateRemoteContext(String bodyJSON, String orionToken, String fiwareService, String fiwareServicePath)
        throws CygnusRuntimeError, CygnusPersistenceError, UnsupportedEncodingException, CygnusBadAuthorization,JSONException;

Create or update entities in a remote Orion.

Deprecated methods

The class also exposes the following deprecated methods:

JsonResponse subscribeContextV1(String cygnusSubscription, String token) throws Exception;

Subscribes to Orion given a Json Cygnus subscription (Orion subscription + Orion endpoint) and a token for authentication purposes (NGSIv1).

JsonResponse deleteSubscriptionV1(String subscriptionId, String token) throws Exception;

Deletes a subscription to Orion given its ID and a token for authentication purposes (NGSIv1).

OrionBackendImpl class

This is a convenience backend class for Orion that implements the OrionBackend interface described above.

OrionBackendImpl really wraps the Orion NGSIv2 API).