Management interface: v1.0 API (Beta)


Apiary version of this document

This API specification can be checked at Apiary as well.

See also Original API


GET /v1/version

Gets the version of the running software, including the last Git commit:

GET http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/version


    "success": "true",
    "version": "0.12.0_SNAPSHOT.52399574ea8503aa8038ad14850380d77529b550"



GET /v1/stats

Gets statistics about the configured Flume components. It is important to note in order to gathering statistics from the channels, these must be of type or

Regarding the sources, it returns:

  • Name of the source as written in the configuration.
  • Setup time of the source.
  • Status of the source, i.e. started or stopped.
  • Number of processed events, i.e. number of events received by the source and attempeted to be put in the channels.
  • Number of finally events put in the channels.

Regarding the channels, it returns:

  • Name of the channel as written in the configuration.
  • Setup time of the channel.
  • Status of the channel, i.e. started or stopped.
  • Number of events currently at the channel.
  • Number of successful puts.
  • Number of failed puts.
  • Number of sucessful takes.
  • Number of failed takes.

Regarding the sinks, it returns:

  • Name of the sink as written in the configuration.
  • Setup time of the sink.
  • Status of the sink, i.e. started or stopped.
  • Number of processed events, i.e. number of events taken from the channel and attempted for persistence.
  • Number of finally persisted events.
GET http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/stats


    "stats": {
        "channels": [
                "name": "mysql-channel",
                "num_events": 0,
                "num_puts_failed": 0,
                "num_puts_ok": 11858,
                "num_takes_failed": 1,
                "num_takes_ok": 11858,
                "setup_time": "2016-02-05T10:34:25.80Z",
                "status": "START"
        "sinks": [
                "name": "mysql-sink",
                "num_persisted_events": 11800,
                "num_processed_events": 11858,
                "setup_time": "2016-02-05T10:34:24.978Z",
                "status": "START"
        "sources": [
                "name": "http-source",
                "num_processed_events": 11858,
                "num_received_events": 11858,
                "setup_time": "2016-02-05T10:34:24.921Z",
                "status": "START"
    "success": "true"


PUT /v1/stats

Resets the statistics about the configured Flume components. It is important to note in order to reset statistics from the channels, these must be of type or

PUT http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/stats




Grouping Rules

Note that grouping rules functionality is deprecated. You should not use this API

GET /v1/groupingrules

Gets the configured grouping rules.

GET http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/groupingrules


    "grouping_rules": [
            "destination": "allcars",
            "fields": [
            "fiware_service_path": "cars",
            "id": 1,
            "regex": "Car"
            "destination": "allrooms",
            "fields": [
            "fiware_service_path": "rooms",
            "id": 2,
            "regex": "Room"
    "success": "true"


POST /v1/groupingrules

Adds a new rule, passed as a Json in the payload, to the grouping rules.

POST http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/groupingrules
    "regex": "Room",
    "destination": "allrooms",
    "fiware_service_path": "rooms",
    "fields": ["entityType"]



Please observe the id field is not passed as part of the posted Json. This is because the Management Interface automatically deals with the proper ID insertion.


PUT /v1/groupingrules

Updates an already existent grouping rules, given its ID as a query parameter and passed the rule as a Json in the payload.

PUT http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/groupingrules=id=2
    "regex": "Room",
    "destination": "otherrooms",
    "fiware_service_path": "rooms",
    "fields": ["entityType"]




DELETE /v1/groupingrules

Deletes a grouping rules, given its ID as a query parameter.

DELETE http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/groupingrules?id=2





POST /v1/subscriptions

NGSI Version 1

Note that NGSIv1 is deprecated. You should not use this API

Creates a new subscription to Orion given the version of NGSI (ngsi_version=1 in this case). The Json passed in the payload contains the Json subscription itself and Orion's endpoint details.

POST "http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/subscriptions&ngsi_version=1"
          "entities": [
                  "type": "Room",
                  "isPattern": "false",
                  "id": "Room1"
          "attributes": [],
          "reference": "http://<reference_host>:<reference_port>",
          "duration": "P1M",
          "notifyConditions": [
                  "type": "ONCHANGE",
                  "condValues": []
          "throttling": "PT5S"


Valid subscription:


Invalid subscription (Unknown fields in this case):

{"success":"true","result":{"subscribeError":{"errorCode":{"code":"400","reasonPhrase":"Bad Request","details":"JSON Parse Error: unknown field: \/extraField"}}}}

Invalid JSON (Empty field and missing field):

{"success":"false","error":"Invalid subscription, field 'duration' is empty"}

{"success":"false","error":"Invalid subscription, field 'notifyConditions' is missing"}

Please observe Cygnus checks if the Json passed in the payload is valid (syntactically and semantically).


NGSI Version 2

Creates a new subscription to Orion given the version of NGSI (ngsi_version=2 in this case). The Json passed in the payload contains the Json subscription itself and Orion's endpoint details.

POST "http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/subscriptions&ngsi_version=2"
        "description": "One subscription to rule them all",
        "subject": {
            "entities": [
                    "idPattern": ".*",
                    "type": "Room"
            "condition": {
                "attrs": [
                "expression": {
                      "q": "temperature>40"
        "notification": {
            "http": {
                "url": "http://localhost:1234"
            "attrs": [
        "expires": "2016-05-05T14:00:00.00Z",
        "throttling": 5


Valid subscription:

{"success":"true","result":{"SubscriptionID" : "572ae23d20e1387832ed98d0"}}

Invalid subscription (Unknown fields in this case):

{"success":"false","error":"Parse error, malformed Json. Check it for errors"}

Invalid JSON (e.g. Missing fields or invalid endpoint):

{"success":"false","error":"Invalid subscription, field 'xxxxxx' is missing"}

{"success":"false","error":"Missing endpoint"}

Please observe Cygnus checks if the Json passed in the payload is valid (syntactically and semantically).


DELETE /v1/subscriptions

Deletes a subscription made to Orion given its ID and the NGSI version. The Json passed in the payload contains the Orion's endpoint details.

DELETE "http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/subscriptions?subscription_id=<subscriptionId>&ngsi_version=<ngsiVersion>"


Subscriptions deleted in v1 and v2:

{"success":"true","result":"Subscription deleted"}

Wrong parameter:

{"success":"false","error":"Parse error, wrong parameter (subscription_id). Check it for errors"}

{"success":"false","error":"Parse error, wrong parameter (ngsi_version). Check it for errors"}

Wrong subscription ID:

[NGSI v1]

{"success":"false","result":{{"subscriptionId":"571872a9c0585c7451571be4","statusCode":{"code":"404","reasonPhrase":"No context element found","details":"subscriptionId: \/571872a9c0585c7451571be4\/"}}}}

[NGSI v2]

{"success":"false","result":{"description":"The requested subscription has not been found. Check id","error":"NotFound"}}

Empty or missing authentication token:

{"success":"false","error":"Empty Auth-Token. Required for DELETE subscriptions"}

{"success":"false","error":"Missing Auth-Token. Required for DELETE subscriptions"}

Missing fields (empty or not given):

{"success":"false","error":"Missing endpoint"}
{"success":"false","error":"Invalid endpoint, field 'host' is missing"}
{"success":"false","error":"Invalid endpoint, field 'ssl is empty"}


GET /v1/subscriptions

GET subscription by ID

Gets an existent subscription from Orion, given the NGSI version and the subscription id as a query parameter.

Valid NGSI versions are 1 and 2 (this method only works with ngsi_version=2 due to this method is not implemented in version 1).

GET "http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/subscriptions?ngsi_version=<ngsiVersion>&subscription_id=<subscriptionId>" -d '{"host":"<host>", "port":"<port>", "ssl":"false", "xauthtoken":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}'


Valid and current subscription id with the correct NGSI version:

{"success":"true","result" : {{"notification":{"lastNotification":"2015-07-28T22:24:33.00Z","timesSent":8122767998226748692,"callback":"http:\/\/\/ngsi23\/notifyContext","attributes":[]},"expires":"2016-09-25T08:17:47.00Z","subject":{"condition":{"expression":{"q":"","geometry":"","coords":"","georel":""},"attributes":["TimeInstant"]},"entities":[{"id":"","type":"sevilla:fountain","idPattern":"patternId"}]},"id":"54325022q460a3873d30oe95","status":"active"}}}

Valid but inexistent subscription id with the correct NGSI version:

{"success":"false","result":{"description":"","error":"subscriptionId does not correspond to an active subscription"}}

Invalid NGSI version:

{"success":"false","error":"Parse error, invalid parameter (ngsi_version): Must be 1 or 2. Check it for errors"}

Valid but not implemented NGSI version (sending ngsi_version=1):

{"success":"false","error":"GET /v1/subscriptions not implemented"}

Missing or empty parameters:

{"success":"false","error":"Parse error, missing parameter (subscription_id). Check it for errors"}
{"success":"false","error":"Parse error, empty parameter (ngsi_version). Check it for errors"}


GET all subscriptions

Gets all existent subscriptions from Orion, given the NGSI version as a query parameter.

Valid NGSI versions are 1 and 2 (this method only works with ngsi_version=2 due to this method is not implemented in version 1).

GET "http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/subscriptions?ngsi_version=<ngsiVersion>" -d '{"host":"<host>", "port":"<port>", "ssl":"false", "xauthtoken":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}'


When a valid subscription ID and an accepted NGSI version is used:

{"success":"true","result" : {{"result":[{"notification":{"lastNotification":"2015-07-28T22:23:30.00Z","timesSent":7126568376946155044,"http":{"url":"http:\/\/\/ngsi23\/notifyContext"},"attrs":[]},"expires":"2016-09-13T09:27:15.00Z","subject":{"condition":{"attrs":["temperature"]},"entities":[{"id":"","type":"city:lights","idPattern":"City:LUCES:"}]},"id":"54228e7318sddf233as323sd","status":"active"},{"notification":{"lastNotification":"2015-07-28T22:24:33.00Z","timesSent":8122767998226748692,"http":{"url":"http:\/\/\/ngsi21\/notifyContext"},"attrs":[]},"expires":"2016-09-25T08:17:47.00Z","subject":{"condition":{"attrs":["noise"]},"entities":[{"id":"","type":"city:fountain","idPattern":"City:LUCES"}]}}]}}}

Invalid NGSI version is used:

{"success":"false","error":"Parse error, invalid parameter (ngsi_version): Must be 1 or 2. Check it for errors"}

Valid but not implemented NGSI version (sending ngsi_version=1):

{"success":"false","error":"GET /v1/subscriptions not implemented for NGSI version 1"}

Missing or empty parameters:

{"success":"false","error":"Invalid endpoint, field 'ssl' is missing"}



GET /v1/admin/log/appenders

GET appender by name

Gets an existent appender from a running logger given its name. It can be retrieved from the running Cygnus or from the file. If parameterised with transient=true (or omitting this parameter) the appenders are retrieved from Cygnus, if transient=false are retrieved from file.

GET "http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/admin/log/appenders?name=<appender_name>&transient=<transient_value>"


Appender is found given its name:


There aren't an appender with a given name:

{"success":"false","result":"Appender name not found"}

Invalid transient parameter is given:

{"success":"false","result":"Invalid 'transient' parameter"}


GET all appenders

Gets all existent appenders from a running logger. They can be retrieved from the running Cygnus or from the file. If parameterised with transient=true (or omitting this parameter) the appenders are retrieved from Cygnus, if transient=false are retrieved from file.

GET "http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/admin/log/appenders?transient=<transient_value>"


All appenders are found:


There aren't appenders to be shown:

{"success":"false","result":"No log4j appenders found"}

Invalid transient parameter is given:

{"success":"false","result":"Invalid 'transient' parameter"}


GET /v1/admin/log/loggers

GET logger by name

Gets an existent logger from a running Cygnus given its name. It can be retrieved from the running Cygnus or from the file. If parameterised with transient=true (or omitting this parameter) the logger is retrieved from Cygnus, if transient=false is retrieved from file.

GET "http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/admin/log/loggers?name=<logger_name>&transient=<transient_value>"


Logger is found given its name:


There aren't an logger with a given name:

{"success":"false","result":"logger name not found"}

Invalid transient parameter is given:

{"success":"false","result":"Invalid 'transient' parameter"}


GET all loggers

Gets all existent loggers from a running Cygnus. They can be retrieved from the running Cygnus or from the file. If parameterised with transient=true (or omitting this parameter) the loggers are retrieved from Cygnus, if transient=false are retrieved from file.

GET "http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/admin/log/loggers?transient=<transient_value>"


All loggers are found:


There aren't appenders to be shown:

{"success":"false","result":"No log4j loggers found"}

When an invalid transient parameter is given:

{"success":"false","result":"Invalid 'transient' parameter"}


PUT and POST methods for loggers and appenders

Following table resume the behaviour of PUT and POST method for every mode (transient=true or transient=false) and every method:

Transient No transient Transient No transient
--------------------- ------------ -------------- ------------ --------------


PUT /v1/admin/log/appenders

Puts an appender in a running Cygnus given a JSON with the information about the name and class of the appender and its layout and ConversionPattern of its pattern. If parameterised with transient=true (or omitting this parameter) the appender is updated if the name is equals with the current active appender; if transient=false the appender is added or updated in the file.

PUT "http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/admin/log/appenders?transient=<transient_value>" -d
      "appender": {
      "pattern": {


A new appender is put in transient mode and name is not equal with the current appender:

{"success":"false","result":"Appenders addition is not implemented"}

A new appender is put in no transient mode:

{"success":"true","result":"Appender '....' put."}

Appender exist and is updated:

{"success":"true","result":"Appender '....' updated succesfully"}

Invalid transient parameter is given:

{"success":"false","result":"Invalid 'transient' parameter"}

Sending only a request without JSON or sending a invalid one:

{"success":"false","result":"Missing input JSON"}

{"success":"false","result":"Invalid input JSON"}


POST /v1/admin/log/appenders

Posts an appender in a running Cygnus given a JSON with the information about the name and class of the appender and its layout and ConversionPattern of its pattern. If parameterised with transient=false is posted on the file. POST method is not implemented with transient=true.

POST "http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/admin/log/loggers?transient=<transient_value>" -d
      "appender": {
      "pattern": {


New appender with transient=true:

{"success":"false","result":"POST appenders in transient mode is not implemented"}

New appender with transient=false:

{"success":"true","result":"Appender '........' posted."}

Appender already exists:

{"success":"false","result":{"Appender '........' already exist"}}

Invalid transient parameter is given:

{"success":"false","result":{"Invalid 'transient' parameter"}}

Sending a request without JSON or an invalid one:

{"success":"false","result":"Missing input JSON"}

{"success":"false","result":"Invalid input JSON"}


PUT /v1/admin/log/loggers

Puts an logger in a running Cygnus given a JSON with the information about the name and level of the logger. If parameterised with transient=true (or omitting this parameter) the logger is updated if the name is equals with a current logger. PUT method only update in transient mode due to logger creation limitations in the code. If transient=false the appender is added or updated in the file.

PUT "http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/admin/log/loggers?transient=false" -d
    "logger": {


New appender with transient=true:

{"success":"false","result":"Loggers addition is  not implemented"}

Appender exist and is updated:

{"success":"true","result":"Appender '.......' updated successfully"}

New appender with transient=false:

{"success":"true","result":"Logger '......' put"}

Invalid transient parameter is given:

{"success":"false","result":{"Invalid 'transient' parameter"}}

Sending a request without JSON or an invalid one:

{"success":"false","result":"Missing input JSON"}

{"success":"false","result":"Invalid input JSON"}


POST /v1/admin/log/loggers

Posts an logger on a running Cygnus. This method only accepts the parameter transient=false due to logger creation limitations in the code. Therefore, the loggers are posted on the file. Posts an logger in a running Cygnus given a JSON with the information about the name and level of the logger. If parameterised with transient=false is posted on the file. POST method is not implemented with transient=true.

POST "http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/admin/log/loggers?transient=false" -d
    "logger": {


New logger with transient=true:

{"success":"false","result":"POST appenders in transient mode is not implemented"}

New logger with transient=false:

{"success":"true","result":"Logger '.......' posted"}

Logger exist and is updated:

{"success":"false","result":"Logger '.......' already exist"}

When an invalid transient parameter is given:

{"success":"false","result":{"Invalid 'transient' parameter"}}

Sending a request without JSON or an invalid one:

{"success":"false","result":"Missing input JSON"}

{"success":"false","result":"Invalid input JSON"}


DELETE /v1/admin/log/appenders

DELETE appender by name

Deletes an existent appender from a running logger given its name. It can be deleted on the running Cygnus or in the file. If parameterised with transient=true (or omitting this parameter) the appender is deleted on Cygnus, if transient=false is deleted in the file.

DELETE "http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/admin/log/appenders?name=<appender_name>&transient=<transient_value>"


When an appender is found and deleted given its name:

{"success":"true","result":"Appender '.....' removed successfully"}

When there aren't an appender with a given name:

{"success":"false","result":"Appender name not found"}

When an invalid transient parameter is given:

{"success":"false","result":"Invalid 'transient' parameter"}


DELETE all appenders

Deletes all existent appenders from a running logger. They can be deleted on the running Cygnus or in the file. If parameterised with transient=true (or omitting this parameter) the appenders are deleted on Cygnus, if transient=false are deleted in the file.

DELETE "http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/admin/log/appenders?transient=<transient_value>"


When all appenders are deleted:

{"success":"true","result":"Appenders removed successfully"}

When an invalid transient parameter is given:

{"success":"false","result":"Invalid 'transient' parameter"}


DELETE /v1/admin/log/loggers

DELETE logger by name

Deletes an existent logger from a running Cygnus given its name. It can be deleted on a running Cygnus or in the file. If parameterised with transient=true (or omitting this parameter) the logger is deleted on Cygnus, if transient=false is deleted in the file.

DELETE "http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/admin/log/loggers?name=<logger_name>&transient=<transient_value>"


When a logger is found and deleted given its name:

{"success":"true","result":"Logger '.....' removed successfully"}

When there aren't an logger with a given name:

{"success":"false","result":"Logger name not found"}

When an invalid transient parameter is given:

{"success":"false","result":"Invalid 'transient' parameter"}


DELETE all loggers

Deletes all existent loggers from a running Cygnus. They can be deleted on a running Cygnus or in the file. If parameterised with transient=true (or omitting this parameter) the loggers are deleted on Cygnus, if transient=false are deleted in the file.

DELETE "http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/admin/log/loggers?transient=<transient_value>"


When all loggers are deleted:

{"success":"true","result":"Loggers removed successfully"}

When an invalid transient parameter is given:

{"success":"false","result":"Invalid 'transient' parameter"}



GET /v1/admin/metrics

Gets metrics for a whole Cygnus agent. Specifically:

  • incomingTransactions. Number of incoming transactions (a transaction involves a request and a response). In other words, number of NGSI notifications received.
  • incomingTransactionRequestSize. Total size of the requests related to incoming transactions, in bytes.
  • incomingTransactionResponseSize. Total size of the responses related to incoming transactions, in bytes.
  • incomingTransactionError. Number of incoming transactions causing an error.
  • serviceTime. Average time between transaction requests reception and transaction responses sending.
  • outgoingTransactions. Number of outgoing transactions (a transaction involves a request and a response). In other words, number of persistence operations.
  • outgoingTransactionRequestSize. Total size of the requests related to outgoing transactions, in bytes.
  • outgoingTransactionResponseSize. Total size of the responses related to outgoing transactions, in bytes.
  • outgoingTransactionError. Number of outgoing transactions causing an error.

Metrics are only gathered if the following custom Cygnus components are used:

  • NGISRestHandler
  • Any sink extending NGSISink.
GET http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/admin/metrics[?reset=true|false]


200 OK

    "services": {
        "service1": {
            "subservs": {
                "subservice1": {
                    <metrics for subservice1 within service1>
                "subservice1": {
                    <metrics for subservice2 within service1>
            "sum": {
                <aggregated metrics for all subservices within service1>
        "service2": {
            "subservs": {
                "subservice1": {
                    <metrics for subservice1 within service2>
                "subservice2": {
                    <metrics for subservice2 within service2>
            "sum": {
                <aggregated metrics for all subservices within service2>
    "sum": {
        "subservs": {
            "subservice1": {
                <aggregated metrics for subservice1 within all the services>
            "subservice2": {
                <aggregated metrics for subservice2 within all the services>
        "sum": {
            <aggregated metrics for all subservices within all the services>

If reset=true then metrics and returned and immediatelly after they are deleted (gathering the metrics and deleting them is an atomic operation, i.e. another interleaved GET operation will wait until the deletion is done).

Additionally, because Cygnus distributes event processing among sources (responsible for event reception) and sinks (responsible for event persistence; an event may be processed by 2 or more sinks in parallel), some considerations when retrieving metrics must be had into account:

  • The number of incoming transactions may be eventually inconsistent with regards to the service time, because certain events may be in a reception state, but not in a processed state.
  • The service time is computed as the total sum of processing times (understanding processing time in this context as the time between even reception in the source and processing in one of the invidual sinks) divided by the number of times the same incoming event is persisted (in other words, it is not divided by the number of incoming transactions). Thus, it could occur N events are persisted M times (M > N), and that impacts in the average service time.
  • The same occurs with the number of transaction errors. Thus, it could be this number is greater than the number of incoming transactions because the events are being processed by 2 or more sinks, and all of them are failing.

Finally, because Cygnus implements a retry mechanism for those persistence operations that failed, it must be noticed the number of outgoing transactions (and its related metrics) may be much higher than the number of incoming transactions (even when a single a sink is used). This is because each new retry counts as a new outgoing transaction. E.g. if a persistence operation takes 4 retries (the last being the one that finally have success) this means 4 outgoingTransactions, 3 of them outgoingTransactionError.


DELETE /v1/admin/metrics

Deletes metrics, putting counters to zero.

DELETE http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/admin/metrics


200 OK


Available aliases

Alias Operation
GET /admin/metrics GET /v1/admin/metrics
DELETE /admin/metrics DELETE /v1/admin/metrics


Name Mappings

GET /v1/namemappings

Gets the configured name mappings.

GET http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/namemappings


    "serviceMapping": [
            "servicePathMappings": [
                    "entityMappings": [


POST /v1/namemappings

Adds new name mappings to the configured ones. The new mappings are given within the request payload, following the Name Mappings Json format (for instance, if a new entity mapping has to be added, the service and the service path it belongs to must be present in the Json as well). All the mappings within the payload that are not present in the configuration are added. More details in name mappings sintax

POST http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/namemappings

    "serviceMapping": [
            "servicePathMappings": [
                    "entityMappings": [


    "serviceMapping": [
            "servicePathMappings": [
                    "entityMappings": [


PUT /v1/namemappings

Updates already existent name mappings. The updated mappings are given within the request payload, following the Name Mappings Json format (for instance, if an already existent entity mapping has to be updated, the service and the service path it belongs to must be present in the Json as well). All the mappings within the payload that are present in the configuration are updated.

PUT http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/namemappings

    "serviceMapping": [
            "servicePathMappings": [
                    "entityMappings": [


    "serviceMapping": [
            "servicePathMappings": [
                    "entityMappings": [


DELETE /v1/namemappings

Deletes already existent name mappings. The deleted mappings are given within the request payload, following the Name Mappings Json format (for instance, if an already existent entity mapping has to be deleted, the service and the service path it belongs to must be present in the Json as well). All the mappings within the payload that are present in the configuration are deleted.

DELETE http://<cygnus_host>:<management_port>/v1/namemappings

    "serviceMapping": [
            "servicePathMappings": [
                    "entityMappings": [


    "serviceMapping": [
            "servicePathMappings": [
                    "entityMappings": [
