Installing cygnus-twitter from sources



cygnus-common must be installed. This includes Maven, cygnus user creation, Apache Flume and cygnus-flume-ng script installation.


Installing Cygnus

Cloning fiware-cygnus

Start by cloning the Github repository:

$ git clone
$ cd fiware-cygnus
$ git checkout <branch>

<branch> should be typically a stable release branch, e.g. release/1.1.0, but could also be master (synchronized with the latest release) or develop (contains the latest not stable changes).


Installing cygnus-twitter

cygnus-twitter can be built as a fat Java jar file containing all third-party dependencies (recommended):

$ cd cygnus-twitter
$ APACHE_MAVEN_HOME/bin/mvn clean compile exec:exec assembly:single
$ cp target/cygnus-twitter-<x.y.z>-jar-with-dependencies.jar APACHE_FLUME_HOME/plugins.d/cygnus/lib

Or as a thin Java jar file:

$ cd cygnus-twitter
$ APACHE_MAVEN_HOME/bin/mvn exec:exec package
$ cp target/cygnus-<x.y.z>.jar APACHE_FLUME_HOME/plugins.d/cygnus/lib


Known issues

It may happen while compiling cygnus-twitter the Maven JVM has not enough memory. This can be changed as detailed at the Maven official documentation:

$ export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m"


Installing dependencies

These are the packages you will need to install under APACHE_FLUME_HOME/plugins.d/cygnus/libext/ if you did not included them in the cygnus-common jar:

Cygnus dependencies Version Required by / comments
mockito-all 1.9.5 Unit tests
junit 4.11 Unit tests
log4j 1.2.17 Logging
slf4j-simple 1.7.21 Logging
cygnus-common latest
