Twitter Source


Functionality, or simply TwitterSource is a source designed to collect data from [Twitter] (

Tweets are always transformed into internal Flume events at TwitterSource. In the end, the information within these Flume events must be mapped into specific data structures at the corresponding sinks.

Next sections will explain this in detail.


Mapping Twitter events to flume events

Received Twitter events are transformed into Flume events (specifically TwitterEvent), independently of the final backend where it is persisted.

The body of a flume TwitterEvent is the representation of a tweet in JSON format. Once translated, the data (now, as a Flume event) is put into the internal channels for future consumption (see next section).


Administration guide


TwitterSource is configured through the following parameters that are defined in the configuration file agent_<id>.conf.

The name of the source: cygnus-twitter.sources = twitter-source

In order to perform the Twitter query, the most relevant parameters are: the source, the keywords, the coordinates, and the credentials to connect with Twitter.

The source: cygnus-twitter.sources.http-source.type =

The keyworks (hashtags) that are used in the twitter query to filter tweets with a specific keyword(s):

cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.keywords = keyword1, keyword2, keyword3

The coordinates to specify the spatial area where the source will collect geo-located tweets. The coordinates will be used in the twitter query:

cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.south-west_latitude = 39.4247692
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.south-west_longitude = -0.4315448
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.north-east_latitude = 39.5038788
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.north-east_longitude = -0.3124204

These coordinates are used to define a rectangle filter where tweets have been geo-located. Only tweets inside this rectangle are stored.

             -------------- north-east
            |                  |
            |                  |
            |                  |
       south-west ------------   

The credentials used to connect with Twitter API. Credentials can be obtained in

cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.consumerKey = xxxxxxx
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.consumerSecret = xxxxxxx
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.accessToken = xxxxxxx
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.accessTokenSecret = xxxxxxx

A configuration example could be:

# source configuration
# source class, must not be changed
cygnus-twitter.sources.http-source.type =
# keywords
# cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.keywords = keyword1, keyword2, keyword3
# Coordinates for filter query
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.south-west_latitude = 39.4247692
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.south-west_longitude = -0.4315448
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.north-east_latitude = 39.5038788
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.north-east_longitude = -0.3124204
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.consumerKey = xxxxxxxx
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.consumerSecret = xxxxxxxx
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.accessToken = xxxxxxxx
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.accessTokenSecret = xxxxxxxx

Programmers guide

TwitterSource class

TwitterSource has two main methods that are described in the following paragraphs.

public void configure(Context context)

This method reads the configuration file parameters related to the source (i.e., consumerKey, consumerSecret, accessToken, accessTokenSecret, south_west_latitude, south_west_longitude, north_east_latitude, north_east_longitude, and keywords) and creates an object TwitterStream from the Twitter4j library to be ready to collect data from Twitter, and a ChannelProcessor object to be ready to send data.

public synchronized void start()

The start method creates a StatusListener object that collects status objects that contains the information of a tweet in an asynchronous way. Each tweet is processed to generate a string with a JSON format. This string is used to create a Flume event. Events are added to a list of events that will be sent through a ChannelProcessor.
